Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Penang ME ~ Pei Ni & Agnes

今天是我们的last day咯!一上车,就答应自己要好好享受Sampling的每一刻。。最后一次驾Terry,最后一次去和uncle拿冰,最后一次给人喝 Red Bull,最后一次写博客,最后一次和彼此partnering..很多的最后一次,都要好好珍惜!成为 Red Bull Mobile Energizer 在 Red Bull Sampling Team 里,当已经给了我们不单单是Training,还有好多好多的回忆。。。谢谢Red Bull!! Yeah.. 姐妹们加油吧!!让Red Bull 能量饮料发扬光!!再见啦!!




在槟城-World Heritage Zone 的 Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling & Jalan Gereja. 混合不同的文化。

想象这是我们的Sampling Vehicle..好cool哦

美好回忆..Pinang Peranakan Mansion

Pinang Peranakan Mansion



Haiiii...c all again this week...

This week kito ore fokus kat work and jalan hospital and jalan lundang ni kebanyakan kedai ni "workshop" and restaurant, so kite ore fokus kepada 3 kandungan penting Red Bull - caffein, glukuronolakton & taurin...

Kebanyakan "workshop" ni banyak guna tenaga fizikal untuk bekerja..so kitore fokus kepada guluronolakton sebak glukuronolakton ni meningkatkan daya ketahanan fizikal diore...and jugok caffein..sebak caffein ni tolong diore tok bagi ngatuk and letih....

yeesssss...Red Bull Bullehhhhh...

"kalu abe minum Red Bull ni..abe mesti rasa bertenaga pahni..pah..rasa tok ngatuk"

"Ermmm..baguh yo Red Bull ni..maso sukan boleh ambik sebelum,semasa dan selepas"

Farah Honey dan abe2@trade sampling

Farah Honey and abe henshemmmm..."Red Bull Beshhhh"

"Minum Red Bull dulu... Baru kuat & bertenaga!"

ni lor picture paling best tuk di tengok...consumers ni semua best2 wooo...

Nadia & Farah Liyana@workshops

'abe..klu abe minum Red Bull ni ..abe akan jadi kuat nok ngakak barang2 pahni"

Puteri & abe yang manis :)

Pic dekat area Jalan Bayam...

"Saya pun minum Red Bull jugak!"

Monday, April 27, 2009

S'wak Amatuer Golf 24th - 26th April

Hi guys, warm greetings from Kuching Mobile Energizers!!
How are you guys? We were glad that we were able to continue our sampling again,
We are going to events and sampled people with Red Bull. HOORAY!!

S'wak Amateur Golf Championship was held from 24th to 26th @ Damai Golf & Country Club,
so we were there to sample and energize the golfers!!

Our beloved MINI is still in ICU (he got into an accident), luckily Miss Liew drove us there.
There were 160 golfers participating in this prestigious Championship.

Who's on duty?
24th & 26th - Kendy & VIvian
25th - Michelle & Karen ( no photos available, sorry!)

Golfers tee-ing off ...

Sampled the golfers at cross-over, to recharge their energy in order for them to play better because RED BULL helps improve/increase their concentration and physical endurance!!
~ Red Bull gives you WINGS ~

If you find Red Bull too sweet, may mix with Water, keep you hydrated and energised!!

Charming girls were sweeter than Less Sugar!!! :)

Signing off =)
Vivian **

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Filler Post

Oh nooooo!!

Our coordi's laptop & our team's camera died this week *cry* ..our next update shall be delayed. Sorry Sorry Sorry! Be back soon with exciting stories from Kota Kinabalu !!...as soon as possible ! we promise !

ME Team KK

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Holla people!! ;)
Dian & mun mun on duty today!
We went to Taylor's University College (main campus) today for the oh-so-fun
ADVENTURACE 2009 organized by the Sky Adventure Club.

As usual, we had to set up our beloved New York first before beginning our journey.

Break the ice!!

After setting up, we're ready to leave!
We dropped by the petrol station first to feed our hungry New York..
Then we're off!

We reached there & sampled the organizers & contestants.
FYI, Adventurace is a competition ala the Amazing Race. Hehe.

After a while we noticed them calling each other yummy nicknames such as pizza, cookie & cheese!
Apparently they have nicknames because they go on adventures in jungles, etc so its 'pantang' to call real names (boohoo).
So, we decided to get names for ourselves too!
Dian will be pineapple & mun mun is strawberry!
0.o LOL!

Thats all for today....
pineapple & strawberry signing off!
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