Friday, March 20, 2009

Trade Sampling

Hi everybody~

Carmen and Minyin here from KK ME Team ~~

it's Friday! how exciting!~~~ but tomorrow we are going to work too ^^;;

We did trade sampling this week~ with the aim to promote and push for Red Bull's visibility among the shops in Kota Kinabalu !~ We covered Penampang Industrial area and Beverly Hills this time around.

Red Bull Malaysia
** kekekke~~ dont know why carmen looked so serious ~~ **

Its been raining every afternoon tho so we always have to cancel halfway T_T

We think this picture is interesting~~ they sell drinks also but from outside it look like mobile shop ^^

Red Bull Malaysia

we energize shop keepers, supermarket owners and restaurant workers too. Here Min Yin's solo shots.

Red Bull Malaysia

Red Bull Malaysia

Red Bull Malaysia

happy shop workers with Red Bull !~~

Red Bull Malaysia

signing off~~~

carmen X minyin

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