Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New Red Bull Rookies UNVEILED!

It was an exciting week for us here at Red Bull because after long hours of deliberating and endless discussions and many, many cans of Red Bull (it was THAT hard to pick between the Final 6), we're finally ready to unveil the new members of our Red Bull Rookies...

Diana Chin from Penang and Nurhayati Omar from Johor will now join Puteri and Leona on the racetrack in June for the inaugural Sepang 1000KM.

For now though, training is firmly in session and the two girls have a lot to do before they'll get to show the boys how it's really done on the track!

We of course can't forget the rest of the amazing ladies who made up the Final 6, who gave us all they've got and made it that much harder to pick just two.

Big shout outs have to go to other members of the Final 6, all of whom attended the Red Bull Female Driver Search 'boot camp' in March where they underwent gruelling training, which included having to perform behind the wheel and in front of a camera, although we do trust that you managed to have a bit of fun in between as well! =)

Congratulations again to Raja, Azah, Hui Jing and Carmen, all of whom have come a very long way from the Red Bull Female Driver Search held in late 2008. It was no easy feat to have beaten out 2500 other young women nationwide to make it this far!

For us at Red Bull now though, it's time get serious, what with a race coming up in about two months' time.

So till we meet again, this is your Red Bull rep signing off!

We'll see you on the track! =D

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