Monday, February 23, 2009

Red Bull Female Driver Search - Top 30!

Over the weekend the Top 30 participants from the nationwide Red Bull Female Driver Search gathered in Shah Alam to participate in the Smart Woman Driving Course organised by Asia Advanced Driving Academy.

The participants first met each other during the briefing ceremony held the night before and friendships were instantly formed. The key people from the Red Bull Rookies briefed the girls on what to expect from the upcoming project to prepare them since two of the girls who were present today were going to officially become a Red Bull Rookie very soon!

Current Red Bull Rookies Puteri and Leona hosted the evening

Of course as is the case with any gathering that consisted of girls, some camwhoring was definitely going to ensue...

From L-R = Dayangku Faratiwan, Carmen Lim and Noorfaziatul Azua from KL and Nor Hayati Omar from Johor

From L-R = Junaidah, Hana Suria and Gwen from KK

The very next day all Top 30 girls had to go to the Kelab Golf Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah in Shah Alam for their driving course with their future trainer Kenvin Low.

The course started off with a theory briefing on the importance of defensive driving as well as touching on key points on the importance of being prepared on how to handle certain driving situations.

The Top 30 Participants during the theory portion of their driving course

Soon enough however, it was the time the Top 30 were surely waiting for - practical driving!

The whole group then adjourned to the Shah Alam Stadium carpark where they were given the chance to try out all the things that they had learnt in the classroom earlier that day by the very able trainers from AADA.

The Top 30 being given instructions by one of the trainers

All in all it was a pretty great day for everybody involved (After all, who would mind working if it involved taking care of 30 very beautiful women?).

Now all that's left to do is for the Red Bull Female Driver Search Crew to go through the unenviable task of finding the Top 6 girls who will make it through to the next round!

Good luck girls!

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