Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mushi Mushi - vivian & Kendy

Mushi Mushi everyone .... i'm working with Kendy today.
We work in the evening, and its a wonderful day for us as the weather was just nice!!

We realize that we seldom take photo together recently, so lets snap one =)

Vivian + Kendy

After crazy all along the way, we have to concentrate and be energetic to sample people playing sports. hehe "o"

badminton player ... so happy for the offer

wow see this WET guy ... sweat a lot!! Must energize him with Red Bull

We also take the opportunity to sample the nation badminton player (black shirt),
and the coaches there

Uncles were playing as well ... they are so health conscious and great to drink Red Bull

Sample people jogging around the park

that's all for today

^ ^ see you guys again!! ^ ^

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