Sunday, August 15, 2010

METKK X Hash Run

Hello all!~~

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Its August! OMG can you believe it ? We are almost at the 4th quarter of the year! Times moves so fast and somehow i personally do not think i achieve anything for myself yet this year!~~

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August is also the fasting month for all muslims so ''Selamat Berpuasa!' to all our muslim friends..its also Malaysia's Merdeka Day ! Yay for 1Malaysia! Throughout the whole month of august, we will be sampling at evening time targeting muslim consumer. Do you know that drinking RB after breaking fast can really recharge your energy? Don't forget to drink it with a lot of water :)

Last weekend we were at Tanaki sampling the hash runners of the Penampang chapter. They really have a lot of spirit as it was drizzling lightly but they still continue with the run! We energize them with Red Bull and was quite suprise as the chapter really do have a lot of members (almost 80 people on sunday) . We didn't manage to take a lot of picture while sampling (juggling sampling in the rain is hard~) but check out of the pictures we took while on our way to Tanaki!~

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rain rain~ go away T.T

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scary hahhaa

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Leo was here!

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Sampling time :)

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