Sunday, April 4, 2010

Red Bull @ F1 Sepang!!

First of all, we wanna congratulate the Red Bull Team for winning the RACE!!
Good Job Vettel & Webber!! Woots~

Woohoo....not wanting to pass up on the opportunity, we decided to show our support on D-day, by energizing the folks making their way to the track!

So what was our plan??

Hahah, we decided to target the drivers stuck in the traffic crawl to the track!

So we got some tools to help us on the way...

1. A placard to grab their attention!
2. Pincers to pass out Red Bull!

Besides that, we also had our very own support vehicle behind us! Lol

The cute little pincers!

Our placard to grab attention!

Our personal escorts! Rodeo!

We had loads of fun along the way & met tons of Red Bull supporters! They were all excited to see us too!

Amritha & Tara on the Job!

All prepped up to energize!

After grabbing their attention with the placard, drivers drove nearer to be energized!

Don't worry on our safety, we were VERY cautious!!

Hoho....everything was smooth sailing.
We had a great laugh the whole day!
Great Fun..yippee!!

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