Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Central ME gathering!!

Yo people!!

Last Saturday was a greeeeaaaat day!! Woots~

The girls got together for a gathering & it was a themed sleepover!

Theme of the day was : Occupation

The girls were in for a surprise though~ they all thought that they would be going straight to the hotel for fun & games...BUT..they actually had to perform mini tasks before the sleepover itself! wahahahaha

The mini challenge was a collection of tasks that each team had to complete in a span of 1 hour.
The poor things were practically running around Sunway Pyramid in HEELS! Haha..oops, i mean ohhhh~

Here's what they had to do :

Task 1 - Approaching random strangers & getting them to guess their occupation
Task 2 - Camwhoring at specified locations according to clues!
Task 3 - Solve a final clue to get to the final destination

Everyone had fun!
Then it was dinner time at Itallianies!

We were a lively bunch & people kept giving us weird looks..must be our outfits! haha

Check out our occupation choices -

KY - Sailor
Tara - General
Rachel - Bollywood Dancer
Marina - Teacher
Yun Yee - Doctor
Amritha - Office Clerk
Jayce - Rock Star
Chong - Tennis player
Carmen - Composer
Mei Ling - Air stewardess
Jay Dee - Rock Artist
Lee Ching - Tap Dancer
RC - Ait traffic Controller
Audrey - Cheerleader
The general & the Sailor
The doctor & the composer

The teacher & the dancer

Craving for more? Become a fan on facebook & checkout videos of the day!!

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