Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Last Day of January'10

Hello everyone, this is Kuching MEs, Jasmin and Karen. Since Chinese New Year is around the corner, we would like to wish everyone here a prosperous New Year.. =) Okay, back to today's topic. What had we done on the last day of January??? Wootsss!! Its Kuching MEs gathering and a farewell dinner for Jasmin! FINALLY!!!~ It has been quite a long time since our last gathering.. We went to Da OM Korean Restaurant for our yummy dinner!! Yeah!Let the photos do the talking while we were all BUSY eating :p

Kimchi Pancake

Yummy *thumb up*
Michelle was the last one to reach so everyone "stared" at her while she was eating..hahaha..

Jasmin with egg roll ^^
(nice dish!)


Okay, Dessert time now!!~ wuhoooo~
We celebrated Jasmin's belated birthday that night too..

Happy Belated Birthday to Jasmin. Huggies!

Make a wish.Make a wish.

.Family Photo.

Top left: MichelleToh, Cheryl, Elsie, Vivian, HuiChing, Karen
Bottom left: Kendy, MichelleTsai, Jasmin (Birthday girl), Edwina
Absentee: Lola, Carine
Photographer: Miss Liew

That's all for the gathering! Will be update more for the coming events. Watch up! =)

A message from Jasmin
"I am going to leave you guys soon..Anyway, its really happy to know all of you..Promise to keep in touch ya~LOVE YOU ALL!!!*big big hug for all of you* "

1 comment:

Michelle said...


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