Tuesday, December 15, 2009

shuttlecock anyone?

Ola! Chong & Michi was sent to Ara Courts Badminton Court to educate people at sports on how RB is ideal for them! Heehee. RB does work wonderfully for athletes in 3 ways, before, during & after their sports.Hehh, Michi is quite updated w/ her RB knowledge now is she? (=

Enough w/ the loquacious Michi, we shall proceed to pictures! (=




Haha, look at the swift effects!

Alston, one of the organizers. Where's Dylan?! Hee.

The most handsome guy apparently. Haha, hullo Billy!

I just had to put these 2 pictures in. Look at the jump. Off the ground yo!

That's all for Social Badminton at Ara Courts. Chong wanted to play badminton but Michi didn't want to haha, so Michi did an awesome stunt to please Chong up. What stunt ehh? Heehee.

I shall resume my Kpopping hehh. Off now!

PS. Ever wondered why are we both in white tee? Aherm, that's another story yeahh? *Chuckles*

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