Sunday, November 22, 2009

Penang Bridge International Marathon

Today we wake up very early in the morning.. the sky still dark. We reach there about 6.30am and we saw a lots of participants and crews show their tired face. It's the time to recharge with Red Bull... yooooh! We start to walk around and find our sampling target... walk walk walk, eh! We also got a lots of sample products from other booth, we enjoyed to sample ppl and we also enjoyed the others sample us.. :)

Look! Ming Wei nose..

Did you see the big crowd behind..

Sampling... and u see the big crowd behind again..

Our ME - Mei Kuan is one of the fun marathon runner

Tired crew. They start to work from midnight 1am


Enjoy with Red Bull..

Power full !

Take a rest - Chef

Bye! See you!

1 comment:

Lola said...

Go girl !!!

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