Sunday, November 8, 2009

Congratulations Vivian!

This is a special blog entry to congratulate Vivian! Vivian, a member of the Red Bull Mobile Energizer Team Kuching since October 2007. Recently, she graduated recently with a Bachelor Degree in Marketing at Inti College Sarawak.

One for the album... Kendy & Vivian at the graduation ceremony

We wish Vivian good luck in all her future undertakings! Viva Vivian!


Ming Wei said...

Congratulation, Viv!! FIne in penang! Enjoy being a good lecturer in Kuching ya! take care*

Eeza said...

congrats bb! wishing you all the best in your future career ^^!~

vivian O_* vivi ~ wen wen said...

thank you gals. so surprise to saw this post! thankz miss liew, but this photo is ugly lar. hehe ^^
good luck gals :)

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