Tuesday, September 29, 2009

ME Team KK and the case of blurry photos ^^;;

Hi everybody!!~ long time no see eh? have everybody been well?
oh and Selamat Hari Raya! (yes~its still raya mood ^^)

So sorry for the lack of update T.T ..we have been having problem with our cameras! so ehem~ excuse our boring photos and blurriness(?) LOL.. we are still trying to fix it! previously it was blurry on one side, now its macro mode all the time ...haaaaiiihhhhhhh >.<

Here's a photo or Carmen to make it up to you ^^

Red Bull

Anyhoo~back to sampling..

Yo KK drivers!~ Have you been seeing us around before Raya ? We were sampling drivers who 'Balik Kampung' at various stations and stops so that we can refresh their energy before the long drive home! Sabah's road are really 'challenging' as we don't have highways as West Malaysians do (and the road are pretty 'special'..), so the drivers really need to concentrate! (@_@) ..we took a short break due to the holidays and back at work again last week Friday onwards (also targeting drivers!~ Friday, Saturday & Sunday was really busy ^^)..


We were doing trade sampling this week!~ we didn't do much last month so its about time we get on to it ^^ Somehow the pictures all turned out cooky -_-;; so here's a bunch of 'mysterious' photos of Fiona instead.. lol..we cant get any clear and non blurry pictures of the trade sampling activities itself...sorry!


we promise next set of blog post will be better !~~~

Ok bai ^^~~

p/s: no ..at the picture above Fiona is NOT spamming random walls with posters..haha..she's writing report =P

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