Friday, May 8, 2009

Good VS Bad

Hello amigos! ;)

Today, me & luann went to South City to sample & energize people @ work & driving!

There was a good & a bad for the day...obviously the good triumph!

Anyway, we had loads of fun, so we decided to let you guys in on our fabulous day! LOLx

First, we set up the car...( i think working for RedBull is actually giving me muscles-from lifting cartons as well as the big ice bag! haha)
Once in the car we were happy to note that we finally have music on! Wheee... Our beloved team leader, Ms Tara, loan us her CD. Lucky us, it's full of clubbing beats..(oh yeah! Lets dance!)

Hehe...another good thing about today is me & luann (queens of U-turns) reached South City without getting LOST!.. & allow me to say : I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF! ^_^
This place was a good happening area. Everyone was friendly & interested to listen as we explain bout RedBull's functionality.
The working adults her definitely needed that extra boost of energy since they worked hard all day.

Then, we spotted this group of taxi drivers. Had a great time surprising them & educating them on RedBull. LOLx Talk about good luck!

& then came the Bad... :(
walking back to the car we saw....ewww A DEAD RAT! Yucks!! Don't believe us? Here's proof!

Overall was a great to work on our muscle building, listen to fab songs, not getting lost and meeting nice & friendly people! Definitely made us forget bout the rat!

Will blog again soon...Bye
muax muax!

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