Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mobile Energizer K.K Debut


Greetings from Land Below The Wind aka Sabah ^^

I’m Winnie, one of the M.E in Kota Kinabalu ~ *waves enthusiastically* and I shall be the blogger today !(the rest are busy studying for exam as next week we are having finals at UMS and we are so nervous about it..wish us luck~). Last Sunday, Borneo Safari 2008 was held in KK and we were there to energize the drivers and educate them about the functionality of RED BULL in driving. Leo (that is the name of our mini-cooper boyfriend, we love him as he is so cute *gush*) was given a very nice parking spot together with the participating cars and he looked so small XDD

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The weather was not very good on that day as it was drizzling and very cold =( But we still managed to sample many people that were in need of energy.

We sampled the participants ~

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And we spotted hardworking policemen ~

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We sampled photographers ~

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The performers (omg! It must be so cold for them as they were wearing the traditional outfit !)

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We even took picture with the Japanese team ~ konnichiwaaa *bow*

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It was a fun event indeed ~! We look forward for another exciting week of work before we leave for our semester holiday!


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Left To Right : // Becky Tracie // Annabelle // Winnie

COMING SOON!~~ M.E KK at Universiti Malaysia Sabah


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