Monday, March 3, 2008

Courtyards and Curry

I'm on the left, Amilia's on the right!

Lynn and Amilia on the streets today and our first stop was the TM offices!

Selamat Datang ke Telekom Malaysia!

We have to say, the people working at TM are very, very nice indeed! This makes our job a lot easier, as our job doesn't involve just giving the drinks out like that... No, no, what we do is chat with you one on one to show you how Red Bull actually functions in your daily lives!

Sometimes the people we meet aren't very friendly and are very hard to talk to, but no problems of that sort here!

Just two of the great people we met at the TM office!

Everyone was just excited to see us and talk to us and some of them were so excited they even wanted to take pictures with Baby! =D

Did you now that there is a little garden in the TM offices which has a kolam with air pancut in it? Hehe it seriously is nice!

Amilia pretending to be in a Hindi movie

Can we have one in the Red Bull offices, mamasan pleaaaase? =P

Anyway, we finally said our farewells and headed over to some shophouses, then suddenly at the carpark this gila punya Perdana suddenly stopped in front of us and the driver proudly showed us that he was drinking... jeng jeng jeng... a can of Red Bull!

By this time it was lunch time but the excitement doesn't end there for us, no no...

We went to have lunch and you know what happened? The next thing we knew the camera punya tali was taking a swim inside our curry!

Oops! =P

Hehe... Lucky it wasn't the WHOLE camera la seriously =P

Anyway first we shouted cos we were so terkejut then after we kelam kabut a bit we went and washed it la... Hehe...

We are so, so, so, so sorry... We tak sengaja mah... =( (Lynn punya muka kesian) =( (Amilia punya muka kesian)

That's all for today... Till next time...

Lynn and Baby saying byebye!

Amilia with Baby signing off!

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