Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Cash and Cooper Catastrophes =(

Happy Chinese New Year everybody!

Back from the long weekend and right back to work already =(

But when we walked into the office today we got a very nice surprise! One of the Red Bull staff members gave us ang paos, which put us right back into the holiday mood! =D

Thank you Mr. Alex!

So we went to Kelana Jaya with our wallets a little heavier and significantly bigger smiles on our faces.

We sampled bus drivers,

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and taxi drivers...

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But then as we were driving back to the office, tragedy struck!

Kesian, kan? =(

So now we had to admit him to the hospital and so we're out of commission for a few days.

But don't worry! We'll be back as soon as we can! =D

In the meantime, we hope you had a great Chinese New Year break, and till next time, don't miss us too much, k? =P

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