Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Media Teaser Session at the Sepang International Circuit

Selected members of the media were invited to witness first hand what the Red Bull Female Rookie Team are made of.

The result of a nationwide search spanning over three months, in October of 2007 Nurlina Johor, Leona Chin, Baizura Ruslan and Puteri Ayu Jasmin were officially named the members of the Red Bull Rookie Team 2008.

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Lina, Leona, Puteri and Zura

As part of the teaser session, the journalists were invited to come and meet the girls who were on the track as part of training.

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Meeting the press

Apart from a group interview interview sessions and photo ops, the journalists were also given the chance to chat with the girls one on one as well being invited to sit in the car as the girls drove them around the track.

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Lina getting ready to go

This way, the girls were fully able to show off their capabilites and also to reinforce the fact they are indeed ready to race and definitely a force to be reckoned with.

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Watch out Malaysia, the Red Bull Rookie Team is READY!

Lovely Things on Wheels!

Hello everyone!

It was REALLY hot today but there are people out there who needs to be energized so off we went, Baby full of ice-cold cans of Red Bull, faces full of smiles to Glenmarie!

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Zecca and Sally on duty today!

The first place we went to was the Porsche dealership over at Glenmarie... Because there were a lot of tired looking people there la... Nothing to do with the chance to get up close and personal with the sexiest cars ever made! =P

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Sally and her future car =P

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Zecca and her future car =P

Okay fine, so maybe the cars had SOMETHING to do with it hehehe =P

But look, we also sampled, ok?

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Okok, we also went to BMW after that... Here's Zecca playing tourguide =P

And since we'd already picked out our future cars, this time we decided to pick out our future motorcycles (you know, easier to park and all that =P)

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After a fun-filled day of energising people and playing with fabulous things on wheels, it was time for us to head back =(

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Bye-bye! We'll miss you long time! =(

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Cash and Cooper Catastrophes =(

Happy Chinese New Year everybody!

Back from the long weekend and right back to work already =(

But when we walked into the office today we got a very nice surprise! One of the Red Bull staff members gave us ang paos, which put us right back into the holiday mood! =D

Thank you Mr. Alex!

So we went to Kelana Jaya with our wallets a little heavier and significantly bigger smiles on our faces.

We sampled bus drivers,

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and taxi drivers...

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But then as we were driving back to the office, tragedy struck!

Kesian, kan? =(

So now we had to admit him to the hospital and so we're out of commission for a few days.

But don't worry! We'll be back as soon as we can! =D

In the meantime, we hope you had a great Chinese New Year break, and till next time, don't miss us too much, k? =P

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Friday, February 1, 2008

Taxis, Buses and Trains

Hello everyone!

It's back to work for us today... No rest for a Mobile Energizer since everyone constantly needs that little boost every once in awhile!

Since it's been awhile since we've last seen Baby Cooper, we thought what better excuse to take pictures of him (and of ourselves of course!)...

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Sally and Baby Cooper!

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Zecca and Baby Cooper!

So we loaded up Baby Cooper with all the Red Bull goodness that we could fit and headed off to go around Sunway and Subang in search of people who need a little pick-me-up during a long day...

On the way out, Baby Cooper spotted his long-lost sister and of course since this blog is filled with cute girls she deserves a little space too hehe =P

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Baby Cooper's Long-Lost Yellow Sister

Okay, okay better put pictures of us at work otherwise we'll get into trouble with our Mamasan =P

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We sampled bus drivers,

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taxi drivers,

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and train drivers!

Okay so we didn't get to sample the train drivers, but we did try, see? We were there!

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Hehe! =P

Okay so maybe it was more of an excuse for us to camho a little bit, but we did our job, just look at all these people who had big happy smiles on their faces because of us!

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All in all we'd say it was a job well done =D

Till next time, remember - No matter who you are, no matter what you do, if you want a little energy, we can come to you! Hehehe =P

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Bye for now, we'll miss you much much! =(
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