Monday, July 19, 2010

~Belia Rock On Event~

Hello everyone!!!!!!!! Team Kuching is back in action again...Last weekend,we went to the Belia Rock-On event organized by The Kementerian Pembangunan Sosial & Urbanisasi and which eventually was held at the Spring Mall Carpark.............

This is the actual picture of how the event was set up at our Kuching Spring Mall Carpark, and guess took them only one day to set up the whole climbing right? It is not as easy as what we see...........

Not to mention that our Red Bull is also there........

This Event is launched by The Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister's Department, Larry Sng.

The YB is trying to get prepared for the climbing.....

Safety instructions is given by Mr. Malcolm Jitam to YB.....
The reason behind the climbing is that the YB will have take down the banner and to launched the event officially......

He looks calm and cool up there with a thumb up...........=)

We manage to sample him and the rest with red bull after the climb and there they poses for our Red Bull brand happily..YB Larry Sng is such a nice and friendly person....=)

And as you can see, everyone is holding a can of red bull after the event is launched officially due to the hot weather, including the YB....=)

In fact, there are also children involve in the event. It was really challenging not only for the adults but also the children. They sure can climb as good as the adults.
It was really an interesting event held there and they hope we will be there too if there's any upcoming sports events.

Get to hear from us soon again......

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