Wednesday, May 5, 2010

METKK Update 05-05-2010


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How's everyone? Its been raining in KK nowadays and rumor has its its some sort of acid rain? Anyhoo everyone~~ please stay healthy ^^

Nora and Ishan is out for sampling today!~ We are gonna have new 'sisters' soon so hope can have new people joining the team ^^ ..Fiona is currently on vacation too! How lucky ..huhuhu..

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We drop by a KCC (Kinabalu Commercial College) ,ATI and UITM this week!~~ UITM students are having their finals so we decided to give them a boost of redbull's energy hehe..This is their final week and after that they will have 3 months holiday! *envy*

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We also go to ATI (Asian Tourism Institute) new building (which is interesting as the shape is kinda odd...but its 6 stories high!~ woah..ATI is getting bigger) but they are on holiday so we only sample the lecturers and the staffs while lurking inside the college :p

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We spotted these birds while working!~ hahha..we tried to feed them but they fly away =(

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Anyhoo we left at about 3.30pm today ..yay early! we finished stock early today ^^

i think the camera hates me ..hahha..why is the picture so dark :p

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