Friday, April 23, 2010

METKK Back in Action

Hi everyone~ its I-Shan :)
Nice to meet you all~~ we are finally back in action this week and i went out sampling with Nora on our first day.

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Our coordi sent us to Foh Sang to cover the many shop and offices in the area. Foh Sang is really famous in KK for having a lot of restaurants, food places and it's night market. They are always jammed with cars too!

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*see what i means?*

Anyhoo we managed to sample many office workers this is out from the office for lunch time..and after that we managed to sample the shop owners in the area.

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Then we went to this one petshop and found this goodlooking fella :D

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Overall ..not really a bad day la ^^..this weekend we have a few exciting place to go tho ..yay! cant wait!

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