Monday, December 7, 2009

Janice On The Job!

Hello all!

Woohoo...its me, Janice, the new ME for central!!

I've been working for nearly a month now, but this is one of my first events!
Bently music carnival @ mutiara damansara :) with none other than Michelle (wacko!)

Truth be told, I'm not really familiar with rock music especially the local acts ( sorry! *blushes*)
So when everyone was going on & on about Deja Voodoo Spells, i was left in a blur mode.. hahah!

I even went and sample them without knowing who they were 'till they mentioned they were performing & when I asked (rather innocently, i might add) whats their band name to which they replied " Deja Voodoo Spells!" (oops!) hehe
They were very friendly however....lalalala

Oh, something random...We were looking for one of the person in charge & guess where we found him??!
He was hiding himself under a table playing nintendo DX! Talk 'bout a new & ingenious way of 'curi tulang'!!! Wahahahaha - we didn't snap a pic tho'...being the angels we were, we wouldn't wanna get him in trouble! p/s: you know who you are.. ;) -
Check out the cool display! Makes me wanna play as well!

Anyways, since Christmas is around the corner, me & michi would like to wish everyone a Happy Merry Christmas in advance!

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