Friday, January 16, 2009

M.E's at Malaysia Dream girls audition!

Anyong Haseyo!...tats hello in korean ;)

Its me (tara) & jaz on duty today..oh and not forgetting new york as well.

Location for today is Impiana Hotel KLCC, and the girls auditioning are the lucky ones to be energized by the mobile energizers...yeay!

and no i'm not there to audition

Arriving at the location we were very impressed by the scene that greeted us..nothing but girls,girls and more girls everywhere! We caught a glimpse or two of guys but they were the organizers or photographers. Other than that...just girls. And this girls are not your average, simple girls, these are girls with style, flair and personality.

I bet thousands of guys would just lurve to switch places with us in a heartbeat!

oh, how any guy would love to be in our shoes that day..

Ok ok enough of staring around and time to get to work. With Redbull loaded bags, we began our journey into the Land Of The Beautiful (hehe)

We sampled the organizers,

the photographers,

and of course, the girls auditioning

Suddenly, one of the organizers asked us if we would like to sample the judges (obviously we said YES) and guess who the judges were?!

Drumroll please...

Hahah...besides that we also sampled some guys who came along with their girlfriends to give moral support..awww how sweet!

We had loads of fun energizing everyone today, we got to know most of the girls as they shared their funny auditioning stories with it was abit sad when the time came for us to say goodbye. Waving goodbye with New York we made a move and headed back to the office, knowing we had done our duty of energizing and educating them on Redbull.

And now its time for us to sign off as well...Tata, till we blog again

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