Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Introducing Baby's Big Brother!

Tara and Jaz here this time around!

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*wink* *wink*

Anyway when we went to the office today guess what we saw...

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Baby's got a big brother!

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Baby's big brother has come back with his new baju (paint job)! So handsome and so 'gagah' rite? =P

We would have loved to hang around but the three of us (Tara, Jaz and Baby) had to say our goodbyes to him because we had work to do!

So today the first thing on our agenda was to feed Baby, but that took awhile cos Jaz kept getting it wrong!

Hehe I guess she didn't have her Red Bull for today yet =P

Finally we were on our way and we visited some of the factories in Bukit Raja.

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Jaz charming the pants off a couple of factory workers =P

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Tara making sure the driver is awake and alert!

One of the factories we visited actually had really cool glass doors on the front which reflected really well so of course we had to take some pictures! Hehe!

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We also have to say a big thank you to the supervisor of one of the factories, who actually took us on a tour inside and actually introduced us to the workers...

We really felt like celebrities! Hehehe!

Unfortunately, someone else stole the spotlight from us *hmph*

The problem with working with someone as cute as Baby is that people are usually more interested in Baby than us! ='(

It's okay la, we still love our Baby!

But seriously though, as soon as they see him, EVERYBODY wants to take a picture with him!

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It's okay, we can still jump in the picture!

By that time, we had to head off back to the office already, so it's ta-ta for now!

Here are a couple more pictures of us (and Baby of course!) so you don't miss us TOO much =D

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