Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Lovely Things on Wheels!

Hello everyone!

It was REALLY hot today but there are people out there who needs to be energized so off we went, Baby full of ice-cold cans of Red Bull, faces full of smiles to Glenmarie!

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Zecca and Sally on duty today!

The first place we went to was the Porsche dealership over at Glenmarie... Because there were a lot of tired looking people there la... Nothing to do with the chance to get up close and personal with the sexiest cars ever made! =P

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Sally and her future car =P

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Zecca and her future car =P

Okay fine, so maybe the cars had SOMETHING to do with it hehehe =P

But look, we also sampled, ok?

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Okok, we also went to BMW after that... Here's Zecca playing tourguide =P

And since we'd already picked out our future cars, this time we decided to pick out our future motorcycles (you know, easier to park and all that =P)

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After a fun-filled day of energising people and playing with fabulous things on wheels, it was time for us to head back =(

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Bye-bye! We'll miss you long time! =(

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