Thursday, July 30, 2009

back to back


Yo, people in da house! Show me some bling bling, man! Sze Ying and Rachel will be rocking the house with RedBull, dawg =P

We were scheduled to sample SS12, which is located directly opposite SJMC ( Subang Jaya Medical Center ) Started the day by loading stock, wiping Vitty, joking around with the morning shift ME's. Then, it was time to hit the road.

Sampling was easy today. They were 3 mamaks, Domino's and a few more restaurants along SS12. As usual, we sampled the staff at mamak as they need Redbull to keep them going through the day. Then, hopped over to Domino's to sample the staff there. Also, we gave out RBB to their riders as they need RedBull to keep focused on the road.

Suprise! Suprise! We met the FlyFm Troopers in SS12. What a small world. lol. They were a friendly bunch, teasing and joking with us. One of them even tried to steal our RedBull! *laughs*

Then, we crashed in to Sheraton Hotel. Being the braver girl, Sze Ying marched straight up to Reception and asked for the manager. Thank goodness the manager was super friendly! Whew. He even invited Redbull to come sample their guest during Sheraton's hotel launching event next month. the Sheraton staff were very grateful to get Redbull from us as they needed the energy for working day to night.
Next, we sampled taxi drivers near Sheraton Hotel. We explained the benefits of RedBull and told them how RedBull help keep drivers fresh and alert. A few lorry drivers were also very interested in RedBull, so we decided to let them try a bottle each.
Around evening. we headed to the nearest park ( Subang Ria ). Had fun sampling joggers and people fishing. Was excited to watch a bunch of youngsters playing paintball! :) such fun. must bug Tara about our next ME gathering *hint hint* Finished off the last few cans of RedBull and start to head back to office.

Sigh. This will be the last time Sze Ying and Rachel works together as Sze Ying will be graduating from uni soon so she won't be continuing at RedBull :( We'll miss her so much ( we meaning Rachel la :P ). But hopefully we'll keep in touch. Plus, there'll be new girls coming in, which also means new friends to make.

Thats all from us. Hope everyone have a great weekend. See ya!

Sze Ying & Rachel

night shift.
Dian and Mun on duty and also not forgetting Eric..

( still finding for a clear picture of eric)

As usual we got to the office on time ( hehe ). Chit chat for awhile with everyone while waiting for Eric to come. A short briefing from our beloved team leader Tara bout where and who we have to sample. Lucky for us we did not have to set up the Rodeo because it was already set up by Tam. Hence, we only had to get the sampling bags and leaflet bag and off we were to... ( less than 5 min later ) Metro.

Usually that area would take us at least 15 - 30 min to find a parking spot. But i guess luck was on our side because we found a parking spot right in front of KFC in less than 5 min. Looking at the time it was only 745pm. We decided to just hang in the car while discussing our strategy ( well dap was doing most of the discussion ) about how many working adults we should sample and how many people in leisure we should sample. After about 15 min, we agreed and hence, load up the bags and off to sample working adults.

Our task for the day was to sample at least two graveyard shift workers, at least three all night cab drivers and also take picture of the best dress person in MOS ( best dress according to us ) and sample them.
( Energizing a mamak worker )

( Educating a staff from Guardian )

( Task completed )

We started with mamak and other shops such as 7 eleven and guardian. Followed by cab drivers around that area. Sampling was quite easy as everyone was interested in trying out RedBull. After all that, we headed back to Rodeo to stock up so that we could start sampling people that were going to MOS. After sampling a number of people in front of MOS we finally spotted ( in our opinion ) the best dress girl ( she wasnt over the top but just nice )
( educating them bout the benefit of RedBull )

( cmm and dap both agree that the girl in blue is our winner )

Finally, we were done. So tired we headed back to the office.

yours truly,
dian mun and eric.


Rachel and Dian on duty.. We're sampling an event today.. The event is call Rave2Save which was held in KDU. Its a smashing college event cum charity.

( RAVE means Rescue Animals Via Entertainment. )
Rachel and i did not know what exactly will be happening in the event. All we knew was it was a charity to help SPCA and also the dogs in Pulau Ketam. So we just went to KDU excited to see what awaits us. So as we got there, we loaded our bag and off we were to find the person who contacted us. As soon as we got to the main campus OMG!! there were dogs and cats and also CLOTHES. It was somewhat like a bazaar which Rachel and i did not know about. ( DAMN we didnt bring enough cash )
( OMG so cute!! )

Anyhoo, we reminded each other we were here to work. Hence, we sample the organizers, the crew and also the vendors. We were somewhat distracted at times with the pretty clothes and also the animals. There were puppy & kitten adoption for free for anyone who wanted a lil cute puppy or kitten. Rachel almost took one back.
( the guy in red is Ethan he was the person who contacted Tara bout this event )
( Rachel energizing the crew )
( Dian sampling one of the vendor )
( Rachel educating them about RedBull )
After sampling everyone they had a fashion show from the vendors of the bazaar so Rachel and i decided to watch the fashion show before we leave.

Well thats all from us.. It was a great day.
( we got thumbs up by the student of KDU )


and Dian reporting for duty today.. and since its night shift Oliver is here too.. woohoo..
We were schedule to sample Lorong Maarof and MIST. So we did the usual and off we went to BANGSAR.

It wasnt hard to find the place since we all were familiar with the place. So it was a breeze getting there. It took us bout half an hour. As soon as we arrive we quickly load up the bags and off we were.. Starting with mamak workers.

Followed by drivers.

Then as we were out of RedBull bottles (RBB) we were off to MIST. Looking at the time it was still quite early we were afraid there wont be anyone there but we were wrong there were already people around that area. So we started sampling them and also not forgetting the bouncer.

Well thats all from us..

Lots of love,

PS: thanks to Oliver coughing constantly during the shift. Mun and Dian got sick the following day.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009



Hey y'all . Leo here..KK's handsome mini cooper *rawr*

I'm not sure if you know but all this while, only the ME girls have been posting in this blog and tell stories about their adventure while working while I, Leo KE 4754 Q(utie) .. the MOST important member in the whole office was not paid attention to! oh, the grief ~~ the unhappiness ! *cries*

Anyhoo i was so unhappy last week that i decided to 'fall sick' and charge KK coordinator some major cost ..HAHHAHHAH ..afterwards i complain about how unpopular i was and threaten to broke down more and more often and then guess what ?


As this is my first post i dont have much things to say ..i've been tired too. Keep on going out everyday..and the weather is so hot nowadays (i really want to complain! >.<) ..anyhoo, i've been almost everywhere~! from office area, to areas near KK pretty beaches, small shops at kampung/out of town area, shopping places bla bla bla..KK really have lots of varieties la !~


Oh.. when i went to a new 'hospital' last week i met a few new friends and also my girlfriend, the pretty and pure white..30K. Her name is 30K as that is her value set by her owner =)..i even join a club! the KK Mini Cooper Club (i can't remember the full name of the club but yeah..its something like that)..we are due for an outing soon ..i can't wait to see 30K ~~


that's it for now. please look forward for the next 'Leo's Exciting Outing' as blooged by moi.. Leo KE 4754 Q(utie)


Saturday, July 25, 2009

KB Team - Karnival Futsal & Sport Karnival


Untuk minggu ni, KB team g sampling tuk 2 event.... KB team ado 2 ore ME gurls jah loni (farah liyana & nadia) kte ore terpaksa gilir-gilir untuk g wat sampling kt event tu....

Karnival Futsal at Real 7,Pasir Tumboh
For this event, Nik & Farah on duty.

Kte ore mula sampling pada pukul 2pm till 5.3pm....hok besh nya, kte ore di sambut meriah sbb team Futsal tu sume nya biasa minum Red Bull da...huhuhuhu...

masa kte ore sampai tu....1st team mula kte ore terpaksa tunggu untuk sampling kt pemain futsal tu...huhuhuhu

Sports Carnival with Masterskill University college
Nik & Nadia on duty.

Event ni memey havoc la....hehehehehe...sebab nadia join main sukaneka sama.....
lecturer n student sume nya sporting-sporting....

Guess which one lecturer n student???hehehehe

geng2 lecturer benti rehat sambey minum Red bull....

photo time...weeee....tapi kte ore diketepikan dalam pic ni...huhuhuhu
by da way....kte ore enjoy wat sampling kt event ni....

dats all from our team....(^_^)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Amazing Experience

(18 JULY 2209)


Amritha and Kelly on duty. We went to Shah Alam Stadium for the AADA event. It was a a course mainly on road safety ( how to avoid accidents and controlling the car ).

Fun fact 1 : The event was co-sponsored by Honda and Goodyear...

As we arrived, the first thing that we noticed were the cars. It was AWESOME....

you see AWESOME!!!

Finally back to reality we had to get started. Therefore, we loaded the bags and started sampling the organizers, the professional in safety driving and finally the participants.

We also were able to sample a few go-cart drivers :D weeeeee....

After a long hot day working it so paid off because we both were given the opportunity to live the experience of a lifetime ( drifting ). Kelly drifted while i, Amritha sat next to her. You know that feeling you have when you ride a roller coaster well you get a similar feeling when you drift ( adrenaline rush ).

Fun fact 2 : to enjoy drifting all you have to do is to control the accelerator, steering and have a professional to handle the hand brake ( do not try this without a professional next to you )

Well, thats all for now. Amritha and Kelly signing off...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

KK Team : 7K Charity Run

Hi, this is Fiona from KK MET Team. Last saturday Janet and I was on duty ^^ targeting the runners for the annual Sutera Harbour 7K Charity Run.

We arrive around 4pm, right on time as the runners have just started arriving and registering for the run. We sample them at this time as Red Bull can increase their energy level and endurances while running. The run start sharp at 5.17PM (17:17..geddit?)

This event have 2 categories; adult and students. there are children participating in the run too! how cute !~~ most of the people knew about Red Bull but not the benefits and the ingredients. So Janet & I spent a little bit time to explain to them and then give them Red Bull and wish them all the best for the run!

Red Bull Malaysia

Monday, July 20, 2009

3rd Penang Skim Boarding Competition

3rd Penang Skim Boarding Competition

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