Monday, March 29, 2010


Hi guys!
We are on temporary hiatus as we just moved to a new office! New procedures, new friends to be made and new opportunities (?) hehheheee..

Don't miss us too much while we are gone !

Time To Putt!!

Good Day, World!!

Its Tara & KY here, ready to spice up the day..woots~

Hoho..ever wished you could be like one of those high flyers that play golf in the office??
Welllll, wish no more! Cuz once again we are here to the rescue!

Now, what is it that this little girl is talking about, you say??
I'm talking about Office Golf!!

Let me indulge you on our latest adventure~

Last week, we went to energize the tired staffs of Sin chew daily, and we had a surprise in store for them!

Other than getting energized by us, we also gave them a chance to relax & have fun by participating in our little office golf game! woohoo!!

Here's how it goes : Each player gets a shot at putting the ball into cups located at 3 distance.
Players that manages to putt into all 3 cups wins! Simple right?!

Still don't get it? Then take a look at the pictures below for a clearer idea!

As easy as 123...Just putt away!

A participant trying his luck~

One of our lucky winner of the day!! woohoo~

For those that were to shy to participate & show their skills we energized 'em!

Remember, drink a full can of Red Bull to feel the benefits!!

Done for the day, we prepared to take our leave when we spotted.. A ZEN GARDEN! Whoa~
Hmm...i wish we had one in our office too! *Hint hint*

Not wanting to miss this opportunity, we just had to camwhore! (Its what we do best) lol

The fountain of wealth??

Let me drink up some wealth then...

I'm holding the tree!

Argh! Stabbed by the tree?! lol

All in all, we had FUN!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Penang X-Jam

Hihi, Penang ME here again!!! Today, Ranny and Wan Yun on duty! Guess what? This time we stand a chance to an X’Jam Competition which means we can see all the skateboard and BMX with the players “flying” on the air! Excited right? Haha… Looking forward to all those DANGEROUS but EXCITED motions.

After drive for long way, finally we’re here! Fortunately the competition not start yet. YAY! Since all the participants going for lunch so we go for our break first and come back with all the chilled Red Bull.

*30 mins later*

We’re back and loaded the stock into our bags! Start looking for the participants and organizers. First of all, we sample to all the organizers since they working from early in the morning until now and just finish their lunch! Sleepy and tired? Here we are to boost up your energy level with Red Bull! ^^ We get good responses from all the organizers and camera man due to the hot sun make them start feeling tired and sleepy, we’re just came at the right time, right place and to the right person. hehe…

So, what was the next? Sure are our participants lo! They were really needed Red Bull because once we start sample to them, they were happy and keep say “best la!” haha… Both of us feel satisfy because the purpose we go there was reached! The competition start and all the participants skate inside the court one by one. They were awesome! Although most of them were adults but their motions so smooth with all the difficult post! “WOW!!!” This is the word we keep repeat while we watching that competition and for sure capture photos! Especially one of the skateboard player who is a young Japanese boy! He really fantastic with his own skateboard and he do enjoy the competition! You will never believe it until you watch it with your own eyes!

This competition was really cool! Hope that there is more competition like this held in Penang! Looking forward for it! That’s all for our EXCITED date with Red Bull and X’Jam! Hope to see you all again…=)


BMX group..

Sample & educate..

Wow.. whats style is tat? Look like "EAGLE"..

Monday, March 22, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Central ME gathering!!

Yo people!!

Last Saturday was a greeeeaaaat day!! Woots~

The girls got together for a gathering & it was a themed sleepover!

Theme of the day was : Occupation

The girls were in for a surprise though~ they all thought that they would be going straight to the hotel for fun & games...BUT..they actually had to perform mini tasks before the sleepover itself! wahahahaha

The mini challenge was a collection of tasks that each team had to complete in a span of 1 hour.
The poor things were practically running around Sunway Pyramid in HEELS! Haha..oops, i mean ohhhh~

Here's what they had to do :

Task 1 - Approaching random strangers & getting them to guess their occupation
Task 2 - Camwhoring at specified locations according to clues!
Task 3 - Solve a final clue to get to the final destination

Everyone had fun!
Then it was dinner time at Itallianies!

We were a lively bunch & people kept giving us weird looks..must be our outfits! haha

Check out our occupation choices -

KY - Sailor
Tara - General
Rachel - Bollywood Dancer
Marina - Teacher
Yun Yee - Doctor
Amritha - Office Clerk
Jayce - Rock Star
Chong - Tennis player
Carmen - Composer
Mei Ling - Air stewardess
Jay Dee - Rock Artist
Lee Ching - Tap Dancer
RC - Ait traffic Controller
Audrey - Cheerleader
The general & the Sailor
The doctor & the composer

The teacher & the dancer

Craving for more? Become a fan on facebook & checkout videos of the day!!!/pages/Red-Bull-Malaysia-Mobile-Energizers/112992930632?v=info&ref=ts

Friday, March 5, 2010

Career Fair

Wow.. today is Alice partner with Milo..
We went to USM Nibong Tebal to support their career fair 2010...
Nibong Tebal!! a 45 min drive distance from Penang...
Zoom Zoom Zoom... we are in Nibong Tebal now.. and we follow the USM road sign...
wait! Suddenly the road sign missing and when we are discussing is it the place?.. is it the place?...
Dang Dang Dang... we accidentally reach at the USM main door... so lucky!

Once we arrive, we survey the venue and immediately start our job..
A lots of students come to the career fair to look for job opportunity,
they fill up the resume and there is a interview section for the students and company HR officer..
Some of them are look for internship and some of them are look for their future dream job..
Milo said she was regret that she din bring her resume to drop here.. wakaka!

06.00pm we drive back from Nibong Tebal... say goodbye to the career fair...
very smooth.. no jam at Penang Bridge.. Bye!


Great Eastern group..

The organizer...

woi.. reflection

cool trafik motor..

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Frisbee Tournament by Nora

Last Saturday on 27th February 2010, we were assigned to attend The Borneo Headhunters Hat’s Frisbee tournament which held at SM La Salle’s field. This tournament was was first Ultimate tournament which organized by Sabah Ultimate Players association (SUPA) and sponsored by Imperial International Hotel, Red Bull (sampling team yay!) & Core Fitness.

Image  Hosted by

They choose the SM La Salle’s field was due to strategic location, suited for sport court ultimate and facilities such as toilet, car park and cafe. The things that encourage them to held such tournament were to expose to public about this Frisbee game, to grow the sport in Sabah, they’ve been playing this game for 2 and half years long, to increase more players and competitors involved into this game. There are 80% local and 20% outsider players were participated which are from Brunei, South African and South American who staying in Kota Kinabalu for long time. In this game, 7 people in a team and there are some rules required. This tournament was open application where published on newspaper, facebook and The Borneo Headhunters Hat’s website itself.

This game so interesting and fun. There is no refree, no contact, no run when passing the ‘disk’ and to get the point or win is when the disk passed to person who in-charge at end zone. We ourselves so excited to watch these participants played. They looked happy, fun & excited. We really wanna join then next time!

Image Hosted  by

Picture Credit : As Tagged.

Paint My Ride with KY,JD & Lee Ching + Tara & Carmen with the horses!

Hello to the world!

KY, JD & Lee Ching here....had a fun day at Lim Kok Wing for the Paint My Ride event!

As we were doing our thing, energizing the lot, JD & Lee Ching completely fell for (nope, not a cute dude) but the most stylish designed shoes EVER! *swoon*
Check 'em!!

Wish we had the time to actually 'pimp' our own shoes..sigh~
Check our's out.....boooorrrriiiinnnngggg!

Ooooohhh and check out the ride! (And Ching's new Rihanna eh?)

In the mean time, Tara & Carmen (who still vainly wants to be known as "The Gorgeous")
went on to Jalan Temerloh, Titiwangsa to energize the tired individuals in that area..

And lo' behold, what did they saw?? A "Unit Berkuda" (horse force) HQ!!
Tara decided then & there to crash in..these people needs loads of energy right?? Come on, riding a horse requires focus & endurance..right?! So...In We Go~ *whoosh*

Carmen's reaction on horses! (Ackk!!)
That better be fake!! *horror*
The hard working officers! Woots~

Carmen, finally braving the odds to pat the horse..lolx (Check out her expression!)

After the sunny afternoon, it started to rain..the thunder freaked the horses out! One of 'em even snapped out from his reins & made a dash towards us!!
Obviously we scrambled out of its way! Luckily his rider manage to calm him.. *whew*

Done for the day, we made our way back & was greeted with another obstacle..traffic~
Haha..poor carmen!


Carmen stressing at the wheel~

No worries people, we still made it back safely..

Major sign of session,
Ching, JD, KY, Tara & Carmen!

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